Shop Small. Shop Local

Shop Small. Shop Local Support your local ski and book shops this winter. You can find Thirty Years in a White Haze at the following locations: Colorado Boone Mountain Sports, Evergreen Boulder Book Store Fuxi Racing, Frisco Hearthfire Books & Treats, Evergreen Next Page, Frisco Illinois Viking Ski Shop, Barrington Maine Elements Art Gallery (Book Nook), Bethel Ski Hot Shop, …

Dan Egan’s UK Tour

After a year of patiently waiting for borders to open, Dan Egan took a trip across the Atlantic to tour his book Thirty Years in a White Haze, prepare for some exciting upcoming projects, and attend the National Snow Show in Birmingham. Outdoor clothing and local equipment shop, Ellis Brigham hosted a signing in Manchester and a signing in London and …

WMWV Morning Show

09/15/2021 Extreme skiing pioneer, Dan Egan, stopped by the WMWV Morning Show to talk ski bum to ski bum with Skiing DJ Roy Prescott, chatting up his new AMAZING book, “30 Years In A White Haze”, co-written by Eric Wilbur. Dan & Eric will be at White Birch Books in North Conway, Thursday 5-7 pm. to talk about the book. …

Alps & Meters Journal: Ski Portillo

08/04/2021   Every summer since 1961, skiers and riders from around the globe have found their way to the heavenly Chilean destination Ski Portillo. I would describe this ski area as the ultimate ski festival for enthusiasts from every walk of life. Every afternoon there is teatime where you can find yourself standing next to Mikaela Shiffrin, the best ski …

Deceleration Lives in the Future

01/11/2021   As featured in Big Sky Many skiers try to slow down each turn they make because they are living under the delusion that the purpose of turning is to slow down. Skis are not designed to slow down. I’ve never met a ski engineer that has designed a ski to go slow. Skis are designed to make a …

Dropping in on 2021

01/01/2021 Featured in Explore Big Sky The freedom found in skiing and snowboarding is instant and rewarding. From the moment you point yourself downhill gravity takes over and going with the flow often is the best decision. I often say, “don’t let a bad turn contaminate the next good one”. With that in mind goal setting in 2021 will not …