Moose Ecology and Conservation in New Hampshire with Henry Jones (Fish and Game Department)

In this episode of the 603podcast, Dan Egan had the pleasure of speaking with Henry Jones, the Moose Project Leader for the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department about Moose in New Hampshire. Henry Jones digs into Moose population dynamics, the role of moose in the ecosystem, and human and moose interactions and safety.

At its peak population in 2000, the state had over 7,000 moose. Since then, the population has been in decline, primarily due to winter tick parasitism in the northern regions. Jones explained the factors contributing to the rise and fall of moose numbers, highlighting the importance of young forests for moose habitat and the impact of predators and diseases.

Moose play a significant role in New Hampshire’s ecosystem. They help shape forest composition by feeding on young trees and shrubs, which in turn affects the habitat for other species. Additionally, moose contribute to nutrient cycling through their feeding and digestion processes. Jones emphasized that moose are a natural part of the state’s environment and have been present since pre-colonial times, coexisting with Indigenous populations.

The episode also covered the dangers and safety considerations of human-moose interactions. Moose can be particularly hazardous on roads due to their size and the risk they pose to drivers. Jones recounted the development of the “Brake for Moose” campaign, initiated to reduce moose-vehicle collisions. He also provided practical advice on what to do if you encounter a moose in the wild.

Visit the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department’s website to learn more about ongoing projects, volunteer opportunities, and ways to contribute to research efforts.

This episode was sponsored by Mad River Coffee Roasters, Waterville Valley Resort, Jean’s Playhouse, and Ski Fanatics

Produced by: Sammy Blair
Written and Directed by: Dan Egan
Hosted by: Dan Egan
Mixed & Mastered by: Logan Watts

For more information about the 603podcast visit