Meet John Falkner & Mark Shapiro in Verbier Switzerland


Falkner’s advice, “Keep on doing it, always look for something new, the run you haven’t done is the most exciting one”.

Known as Team Calmbin, John Falkner, and Mark Shapiro along with Ace Kvale, ushered in the era of Big Mountain Skiing as we know it today back in the 1970’s. As Shapiro says, “Faulkner was the Ying and I was the Yang”.

Shapiro and Kvale photographed the legends of the sport, their images practically launched Powder Magazine as well as others. Faulkner’s career spans from freestyle to movie stunt man for 007 and still guuides around the world to this day. They were featured in Greg Stump’s films, guided and shot for Warren Miller and are a wealth of mountain knowledge, as well as true “guru’s” of the ski bum lifestyle.